We’re taking the COVID-19 situation seriously and have developed thorough risk assessments and procedures to help keep everyone safe during our events. We have been awarded the ”We’re Good To Go’ COVID-19 certification and our risk assessments have been deemed ‘excellent’ by our insurers. Our risk management takes into account:
- Government and industry body guidance
- Enhanced cleaning arrangements
- Social distancing requirements
- Maintenance of hygiene levels
Our risk assessments have been written taking into account guidance from and/or discussions with organisations including:
- UK Government
- Welsh Government
- National Health Service
- Public Health Wales
- National Youth Agency
- Mountain Training
- Institute for Outdoor Learning
- Activities Industry Mutual
- South Wales Outdoor Activity Providers Group
- Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
- Various schools and other outdoor activity companies
If you are attending one of our courses you will be given full details of the measures in place to keep you safe. If you would like a copy of our risk assessments please contact us at